
it skills

5 IT tasks you should leave to the professionals

Did you know that Windows updates can take a whole day to install? Do you have the time and patience for this kind of thing when there is so much more important work to be done? Don’t suffer in silence — leave this and other IT tasks to the professionals. In fact, they will probably help streamline your team’s tasks and reduce your overall workload too. Here are five tasks you should leave to managed IT providers. Updating software Perth businesses need to keep up with the latest versions of all their software, not just Microsoft Windows and Office, but also any other business software that you use. Managed IT providers do this for you by performing silent installs at a time that is convenient for you. And when they say “no downtime,” it means that no one using your business applications experiences even a second of service interruption while they upgrade them in the background. Once the updates are complete, you don’t have to do anything else. What’s more, your provider won’t leave old versions lying around on servers, because they know how much damage these can cause if they go out of date and someone tries to run

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Cybersecurity Failproof

13 Strategies To Make Your Cybersecurity Failproof

Skilled hackers can easily access your system and steal precious business information. Upgrading your cybersecurity can help address this problem. Taking your cybersecurity seriously is a must. Otherwise, you leave the door open for criminals to compromise your business’s privacy and cause legal troubles. Now, you might think that cybercriminals only target large companies due to more resources. But that’s not the case. Whether you’re a small or medium-sized organization, you have a large amount of sensitive data that hackers can utilize. If it ends up in the wrong hands, your reputation can be in shambles, and you may lose access to invaluable information. The good news is that every business leader can prevent this scenario. And the best way to do so is to take cybersecurity measures to the next level. This article will share the 13 most effective strategies for making your cybersecurity disaster-proof. THE 13 STRATEGIES STRATEGY #1 – UPGRADE CLOUD SECURITY Data cloud storage is cost-effective and convenient, but that doesn’t mean you should use just any platform. Look for the most secure ones that prioritize safety features. Some of your best options include Icedrive, pCloud, and STRATEGY #2 – SECURE EACH PART OF YOUR

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Cybersecurity Vendors

Is Your Data Secure? 8 Best Practices for Vetting Cybersecurity Vendors

An effective way to bolster your business’s data security is to work with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or I.T. Service Provider (ITSP). They address network vulnerabilities to prevent cybercriminals from exploiting them. Besides monitoring and organizing your servers, a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or I.T. Service Provider (ITSP) plays a pivotal role in the cybersecurity program of your business. They implement several strategies to shield your network from attacks and protect your data. For instance, many providers use email authentication protocols to monitor your server’s vulnerabilities. They can keep users from accidentally accessing malicious websites by determining spam emails containing malware or viruses. This results in enhanced system security. Another common practice is training your employees to ensure they follow the highest security standards. This is especially important if you have remote team members since there’s no way to keep track of their activities. To tackle this issue, an MSP or ITSP teaches your staff how to operate safely to avoid harm to your company’s infrastructure and reputation. On top of that, an MSP or ITSP can neutralize various threats due to their proactive approach. They offer several tools such as firewalls and endpoint detection to control the traffic

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How EDR platforms like SentinelOne empower SOCs

As endpoint detection and response platforms become more prevalent, security operations centers (SOCs) are developing new capabilities. This article explores how endpoint detection and response can empower SOCs by enhancing their existing endpoint protection infrastructure, reducing the volume of alerts they receive, allowing them to better respond to endpoint events, and helping them prioritize remediation activities. What are endpoint detection and response solutions? Endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions are tools that automate endpoint visibility, incident investigation, policy enforcement, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and reporting. Many EDR solutions also provide visual correlation across endpoint devices and endpoint forensics analysis tools for post-breach investigations of endpoint activity. How were threats monitored pre-EDR? In the past, endpoint threats were identified through manual processes designed to detect malware by looking at endpoint data —  a process that wasn’t very effective. Furthermore, analysis and endpoint forensics used to entail the seizure of machines to recover information about threats that infiltrated the system. This process typically puts a machine or two out of commission for a while, which hurts business productivity. Related article: Why traditional antivirus software is no longer enough, and why you need EDR. How can SentinelOne’s automated EDR up your security operations

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outsource IT

Why you should outsource your IT in 2022

Outsourcing is the practice of hiring third-party providers for your company. Their task is to perform a variety of business functions and processes that are traditionally done in-house by your own employees and staff. One of the most common services outsourced by companies is IT.  As reported by Statista, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, “spending on IT services is expected to amount to around 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide.” Despite the outsourcing trend, many businesses remain wary of working with third-party providers. The question remains — is outsourced IT worth the effort? Read on to learn more about the benefits of outsourcing your IT.    Cost savings When it comes to your business’s IT needs, you can choose to allocate a budget to training someone on your team who is already computer-literate. However, this person may not have the proper experience nor enough knowledge compared to an IT expert. And when they attend to IT concerns, this person may not be able to perform the job that they were originally employed for.  Full-sized in-house IT teams can be expensive to run because technology tools aren’t cheap, not to mention the fact that IT expertise is expensive. It’s

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protected health information

How to prevent malicious insider threats

When searching online for an image of a cyberthreat actor, you will probably see images of a hooded person using a computer in a dark room. However, in reality, a cyberthreat actor may be an insider — one of your employees, ex-employees, suppliers, business partners, or other people within your organisation who have legitimate access to your data and IT systems. In fact, Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report found that insiders are responsible for about 22% of security incidents — some of which occurred by accident, while others with malicious intent. Malicious insider threats are those who are out to steal, destroy, or sabotage company data and IT systems for reasons like revenge, coercion, espionage, or sale of intellectual property. The good news is that you can implement the following best practices to minimize the risk of malicious insiders: Thoroughly vet all employees and other IT network users Before you grant anybody access to your company data and IT resources, you should conduct a thorough background check on them first. For example, your pre-employment requirements should include asking for one or more official IDs (e.g., Australian passport or driver’s license) to verify their identity. Potential hires must also submit

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