it skills

Did you know that Windows updates can take a whole day to install? Do you have the time and patience for this kind of thing when there is so much more important work to be done? Don’t suffer in silence — leave this and other IT tasks to the professionals. In fact, they will probably help streamline your team’s tasks and reduce your overall workload too.

Here are five tasks you should leave to managed IT providers.

Updating software

Perth businesses need to keep up with the latest versions of all their software, not just Microsoft Windows and Office, but also any other business software that you use. Managed IT providers do this for you by performing silent installs at a time that is convenient for you. And when they say “no downtime,” it means that no one using your business applications experiences even a second of service interruption while they upgrade them in the background.

Once the updates are complete, you don’t have to do anything else. What’s more, your provider won’t leave old versions lying around on servers, because they know how much damage these can cause if they go out of date and someone tries to run them.

Freeing up storage space

Data storage management shouldn’t be left to just anyone. An unfocused data storage manager may accidentally remove important files and incorrectly set certain permissions and settings, which can severely hurt your business. 

A reputable managed IT partner can properly handle your data storage cleanups for you. These can be done automatically in the background without any service disruption so that your business won’t even notice it. Best of all, your managed IT partner will have audit and recovery tools that will ensure you can recover lost data in worst-case scenarios.

Backing up data

It’s time to stop worrying about losing important information due to a hardware failure or a hacker attack. Managed IT providers maintain daily or weekly backups of all your data — depending on the size of your company — and securely store this data off-site in remote data centers with enterprise-grade protections. Furthermore, managed IT providers have teams of professionals dedicated to monitoring and managing backups, leaving your internal IT staff to focus on business-critical tasks.

Replacing PC hardware

Your IT partner can also help you replace your PCs, servers, and other computer equipment before they break down. They will monitor the condition of these devices constantly in order to make sure their performance doesn’t deteriorate too quickly or become a safety hazard. A good managed IT partner will also suggest replacements for faulty systems automatically and install these properly and efficiently.

Aside from replacing PC parts, you can lean upon your managed IT partner for all other technical hardware needs such as hardware recommendations, upgrades, and more.

Managing cybersecurity risks

If you don’t want to worry about malware or hackers getting into your network, your best bet is to outsource security management to a managed IT service provider. They will update virus definitions as often as needed and constantly monitor web traffic for known threats. If they detect anything, they can fix it right away. They will also maintain logs of all security related events, so if something does happen, you will know exactly what went wrong and when. These are activities that non-IT personnel simply will not be able to accomplish while also doing their usual tasks.

Enjoy the benefits of managed IT services with Austin Technology. Call us at 1300-787-429 or send us an email at [email protected] for your managed IT, cloud, and network security needs.

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