Advanced Traffic Management

Advanced Traffic Management

ATM consist of 250+ qualified and experienced staff who offer services such as Projects and Maintenance of roads, traffic control, signage and asphalt.

The Company

Advanced Traffic Management (ATM) provides traffic control services in Western Australia. They consist of 250+ qualified and experienced staff who offer services such as Projects and Maintenance of roads, traffic control, signage and asphalt.


“Austin Technology have been working with me for the past 2 years regarding IT solutions, to assist and develop our growth across multiple branch locations within WA. Great service delivery in all areas including specific hardware supply for our planning depart, web design, VoIP systems and an offsite backup solution that actually works. These guys do it all, and do it well. Great to work with.”

Mark Rossi
General Manager

The Challenge

ATM looked for an ICT provider who could provide a solution for their outdated hardware and a partner to manage and support their end-users and infrastructure.


Austin Technology provided ATM with a project which consisted of:

  • Complete server and network replacement upgrade
  • Virtualisation to provide a highly scalable and cost-effective solution to all their business technology services
  • Provisioning of Domain Controller, Exchange, SQL servers built on Windows 2012 R2
  • Proactive infrastructure maintenance
  • A fully managed solution providing unlimited remote support
  • SharePoint solution for contractor scheduling and collaboration
  • Disaster recovery solution for offset backups to our datacentre
  • Internet Mid-band connectivity with service level agreement
  • Offer best prices on hardware procurement and licensing


By implementing dedicated outsourcing, ATM was able to easily acquire the computing and communications solutions they needed without having to hire internally. The result is a much more cost-effective approach.

The client is able to have complete peace-of-mind while we take care of their entire IT seamlessly.

Performance improved significantly after the seamless infrastructure upgrade and staff productivity was able to improve.

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