employee morale

It’s no surprise that small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are starting to see how technology has become a very valuable asset in their daily operations. Using the right technology can enhance the overall efficiency, productivity, communication, and morale of your employees. This can greatly improve your company’s performance and push it way above the competition.

However, choosing the right technology for your business is an entirely different story altogether. There’s a wide variety of tools and software available today, but you don’t have to buy them all. You just have to choose the ones that suit the needs of your company and employees.

You may not be aware, but the type of technology your company uses is directly linked to employee morale. Having the right workplace technology can help motivate employees to be more productive, while having inadequate technology can result in frustrated and unhappy employees.

Here are some ways technology can improve your employees’ morale:

#1. Improved communication

Offering your employees communication tools to acquire inside information from upper management is one good way to raise their morale. Not only that, miscommunication can oftentimes cost your small business around $420,000 annually.

The good news is that, with today’s technology, there are various tools and software that can enhance employee communication, collaboration, and productivity. Tools such as Skype, Slack, Trello, and many others can encourage teamwork and promote better communication among your employees. Creating an intranet or portal is a good way of distributing important company developments and announcements among the members of your team.

#2. Improved efficiency and productivity

If your employees are working with dated technology, they will struggle to come up with the results your organization needs. When your company fails to hit its mark, your employees will start to feel that their efforts have little to no effect on company growth. Unfortunately, some SMBs are slow to address this concern, which creates a cycle of poor morale and productivity, leading to a loss in sales and profits.

By providing your employees with the tools they need to effectively do their jobs, they will feel like they’ve made important contributions to the daily operations of your company and will be motivated to be more productive.

#3. Automate redundant tasks

Let’s face it, most employees quickly become disgruntled when asked to perform the same tasks day in and day out. According to a SnapLogic study, up to 90% of employees are assigned to do boring and redundant tasks that can easily be automated. Redundant tasks, such as inputting data, setting appointments, and answering emails can put a big dent on your company’s overall productivity.

Automation can boost both employee productivity and morale since it frees up your employees to focus on the core functions of your business. What’s more, it saves you from dealing with the consequences of manual processes, which are prone to human error.

#4. Provide better training

As technology continues to grow, so does the way companies train their employees. Some SMBs are now enrolling employees in online training programs and tutorials, with some even offering online certification programs. Taking advantage of today’s technology allows for more effective training sessions.

When your employees are well-trained, they will feel more competent in the tasks given to them. In addition, when employees gain additional skills, their morale significantly improves because their chances for new opportunities and job promotions significantly increase.

Implementing the right technology is definitely key to business growth and overall success. Here at Austin Technology, our IT specialists have been helping SMBs move forward using the latest technology that’s tailored to the specific needs of their business. If you want to learn how we can help your business, click here now to schedule a consultation. 


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